Author Linda Wiggins-Edwards introduces the God’s Angels characters, in the first book of the God’s Angels series, entitled I Am Beautiful! The God’s Angels characters were created to show children they are as special to God as angels, and that true beauty is found on the inside. Join Brianna and all of the God’s Angels characters in this vivid rhyme of gratitude.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Christian Devotional

Christian Devotional
By Christian Author Linda Wiggins-Edwards

"Be Still"

Be still – two very simple, yet extremely profound words. Be still – two words that in and of themselves indicate a lack of motion, inaction, or a time to do nothing. Yet, when we look at these words in a spiritual sense, they indicate anything but inaction. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” To me, this psalm is the most powerful scripture in the Bible. If I could take the entire Bible and read it, understand it, fully discern God’s Word, God’s knowledge, and God’s truth in every word that is written in the Bible, and then had to choose only one scripture that would sum up absolutely everything that is written, I would choose Psalm 46:10. This scripture sums up everything that a Christian needs to understand about God, and it sums up everything a Christian needs to understand about themselves as believers.

Being still means relying completely and solely on God for absolutely everything in your life. Being still means that you allow God to take over your life, to take over your heart, your mind and your soul. It means that you allow God to be the biggest part of your life, and seek Him first in everything that you do. Being still means learning how to allow God to take control, and to always be in control, no matter how much you may want to be in control of things yourself. It means allowing God to work in and through you, so that His will and His purpose for your life may always be accomplished. Being still means understanding that no matter what may happen, God is the one with the perfect knowledge, the perfect plan, and the perfect solution for everything that may happen in our lives. It means allowing Him to do what needs to be done, in order that He may get all the glory. It means allowing God to do whatever, whenever, however. Simply put, being still means allowing God to be God.

Being still is by no means an easy task. It can take an entire lifetime to achieve, and even then, some of us will never fully understand the absolute completeness of the spiritual meaning behind these two simple words, if any of us ever will. Being still in a worldly sense means a lack of action, but it also means a lack of action in a spiritual sense as well, but in an entirely different way. As Christians, to truly understand and be able to accomplish being still, it will require a tremendous amount of work, a tremendous amount, for us as believers. Being still requires faith, trust, humility, love, obedience, thankfulness, patience, quiet, wisdom, understanding, strength, righteousness, perseverance, fearlessness, purity, devotion, dedication, contentment, confidence, reverence, discipline, seeking, listening, joy, peace and hope.

And not one of these things can be obtained, acquired, learned or accomplished without first doing everything we can to become the Christ-like beings that God created us to be. Being still requires a total transformation by God, so that we may have a total dependence on God. Once we are able to do that, and we see the awesome, magnificent, omnipotent power of our Creator, our Heavenly Father, our Lord & Savior, and we see the miraculous things that He is capable of, we will forever exalt His Holy name! All we have to do is learn to be still. Amen.

Written by Linda Wiggins-Edwards
Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.

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